We positioned ourselves under a very large pine tree which provided Buckley with shade and also he had a nice relaxing spot for his chair. Suddenly pine cones started raining down and hitting a friend's car with loud metal popping sounds. This lasted long enough that I started to worry we would be driven out of our ideal location, when the noise stopped as suddenly as it started. We drifted along in our artistic haze, when suddenly the popping sound and raining pines cones started again. The owner came along and asked me if I made a new friend and then explained to us about this wonderful foraging squirrel. He knocks the pine cones off the tree, gathers them all up and stores them away for winter. We tried to find him, but he was busy. I made a new delightful friend and not once did he bang me on the head. A careful and considerate squirrel, except for the friends car (sorry Bonnie).
It looks like you're off to a great start for this competition, Donna! I'm glad Buckley wasn't the squirrel's target!
Thank you Donna. Tonight Buckley is completely worn out. I do not think he can make it through another exciting day of plein air painting. We will see in the morning.
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