Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Dog!

Buckley took us Aspen Hunting today.  Maybe next week they will reach peak color.  In the meantime I have two paintings nearly finished and will post them soon.

More later......


Ida M. Glazier said...

Beautiful, and happy dog indeed!! I spent the last 2 morning doing just that! I am afraid my efforts weren't great, but fall color everywhere this year for us! It does this every few years and this year is it amazing. Next week, tho, winds are expected and all will be blown off - - well, there is next year! I am not very good at painting trees in yellow---and Aspens are very difficult. I still remember a really nice one you did a few years ago, that still inspires me!! I will be checking to see what you do this year!! Take care.

Donna Van Tuyl said...

Hi Ida! I saw your Aspens on your blog, so beautiful and a wonderful painting. Aspens are my favorite any time of year. Going back to this spot in the morning for more photo's. Full sun this time and so it should be good. Nice to hear from you Ida. I have three paintings going right now and so soon will have updates.
