This photo was taken before the broken leg. We went out in our kayaks with Buckley of course. Currently I am working on a painting from this day. It will be titled "Pelican Point" and features the river, basalt, and some Pelicans. I am excited about it and nearly finished. Please stay tuned. In the meantime..........
"Life presents us with much more than we can understand. If I chased after everything that makes me curious, I'd have not time for the part of life I do understand".
Quote from Your Heart Belongs to Me by Dean Koontz
What a cute head!! The captain in charge, and a wonderful compaion I bet!! Wish I were paddling around in a canoe!! Glad you are out and about!
Hi Ida, he really does have a cute head. AND he really is in charge. So good to see you blog. I finally got around to painting some Chamisa, and will post it soon.
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