This is a little plein air study that I completed the other day on a painting trip with the Tuesday plein air group. The painting site included a panoramic view of Mt. Hood along with layers of blue violet mountains surounding the main event. I became enchanted with this little lane and turned my back and painted the thing that drew me instead of "the big view".
The lighting of "the bit view" seemed flat as compared to the splendor of facing into the light and finding this sun filled lane with flowers blooming and birds singing.

The View
I will always pick the view with the most interesting light too, Donna. This is so pretty! I am much more comfortable with smaller intimate views. If I lived out by you I would have to deal with your panoramic views occasionally!
Thank you Donna. I loved this little lane. I had a couple of bird houses next to me with nesting birds, being all busy. It was wonderful (and I could always turn and take in the view).
Really a nice little shadowed road. great color, and very intresting, as I wonder where does it go? It s hard to paint something in flat light--or completly hit by the sun. and I agree with your choice! I go out with 4 dogs, brother, sometimes its a complete wreck!! But fun.
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