Thursday, July 22, 2010

Field of Yarrow


Tatiana said...

Another nice one!.. great perspective here!... And you know... I'm not sure what is it, but something is slightly different in those your last paintings. I can not figure it out yet, but I like it even better then before.

Donna Van Tuyl said...

Thank you Tatiana. I think the difference is the under painting. I am using an oil wash and then try very, very hard to not cover all of the under painting. I think the paintings look richer with this oil underneath.

Ida M. Glazier said...

Beautiful painting, Donna. Love seeing it--seems so rich with color. I also believe there is a shift in your work, and its very nice--maybe stronger, maybe that s the color I sm seeing---but its nice stuff!! Really like both of these new pieces.

Donna Van Tuyl said...

Thank you Ida, I am pretty excited about this new method. Instead of going for bold color and intensity, the oil under painting is causing a richness that I like and more with less.